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Alternate Your Strength Training with Some Yoga postures

Alternate Your Strength Training with Some Yoga postures
Sorry, I haven't written a new stuff lately due to my marriage arrangement,  I just felt I should talk about alternating strength training with some yoga postures. Strength is one key aspect of health. During our photo session, I had to carry my wife,  I remember it use to be heavy somehow before that very moment, but I had to seriously build up strength prior to that event by engaging seriously in yoga handstand. It actually helped so that motivated me to want talk about yoga strength exercise as my first new post after the wedding. Anyway sorry for talking you into personal affairs just that it's linked to this topic.
I have discussed this topic before now, again I want to talk about it. A lot of us think of strength training in different ways, but the truth is there are lots of natural ways in which one can build strength, today I would want to talk about handstand as one big simple ways of building strength around your arms.  You must not use equipment to achieve strength.
Don't think of massive muscles like what you see in body building, bodybuilding is different from strength training.
 Many who think of strength training equipment think of the massive muscles that many bodybuilders get and which majorly focuses more on show off in competitions. It can be a plus or a setback for many consumers. I was in my bank yesterday and the bank manager told me about his intention of investing into steroids to help build and tone his muscles and smiled, encouraged him, but later told that it's better to go the natural way in other to maintain a balance from inside out.  We need to work on our skeletal muscles, cardiac and smooth muscles to maintain physical balance, but most persons around Nigeria gym just do only cardiovascular workout end up with future body pains and hyperactivity issues.
My point is that one needs to work out in three different segments, but here our focus is about strength. by normal natural standard one reduces in strength as we advance by age, so there's every need to build strength as we advance by age. The strength to carry your briefcase at ease, yes some would want to augur that we really do not need strength training to live a healthy life. Strength training energizes the skeletal muscles which go a long way in building muscles mass and improve physical health in different ways.
Some yoga asana has some strength building aspects depending on the sequences and consistency of the yogi. Yoga uses the natural method to build strength without having to make one workout competitively at the extreme, for instance an average builder would want to work out a lot just to get the muscles and maintain the physical look of a body builder and combine that with strict diet of which on a natural ground some finds it difficult to maintain, I love and also support strength training with strength training equipment but I discovered most persons finds it difficult to keep to it, though one or two challenges, like travelling and access to the gym, but in yoga strength training you can do it anywhere, in your hotel room, village, I mean anywhere all you need is your yoga mat and your very body.
And mostly people especially here in Nigeria believe it's just one way thing, thereby create more tension around muscles and joints, if you are a lover of weight training take it from me, you must also be a lover of yoga to help your muscles flush lactic acid created by tiring muscles tissue from your workout.
 Though this topic centered more on building strength with yoga, I will keep you posted for recommended poses to help you build moderate strength to live a normal life.
Practice your weight program properly and try as much as possible to alternate your strength training workout with some yoga or pilates exercises, for sure it eliminates the risk of you bulking up too much.


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