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Healthy Aging with yoga

                      Healthy Aging with yoga

For sure everyone will definitely grow old and finally drop this physical… but the thing is should we age so fast and look sick? We can actually age gracefully, old age is a blessing but it doesn't have been artificial, some are having so many symptoms of old age at thirties and forties, when I meet some  persons they tell me
,  " hey we are old now for yoga, we are old to even bend to pick something from the floor" hey listen old age is a myth, a healthy mind makes a healthy body, a flexible spine regulates aging and promote good health.   Yoga is a systematic scientific sort of exercise. Yoga naturally assists in controlling different facets of the body and mind state. with constant  Yoga you can establish inner self-control and take charge of your life, benefits of yoga to aging is holistic, but to be specific constant yoga practice controls the Central Nervous System (CNS). going deeper and deeper into yoga on a daily scale will help in building your ability to regulate aging, as you practice every day you must notice the changes, yoga is very practical and unique, most persons have noticed a boost in energy and self-esteem practicing daily yoga.
The body impacts on the mind and the mind also affects the body, yoga as its meaning goes seeks for inner and outer harmony through breath control, breath energy can increase one's lifespan tremendously if practiced regularly with pure consciousness of no worries, and at the time yoga will keep Your body stronger also and give you boost in energy.
Historically yoga has been here more than 5000 to 700 years, humanity has really enjoyed the wonderful benefits of yoga benefits of yogafrom generation to generation, each generation has actually given yoga a twist of the trend of each passing era, yoga, as practiced during the old times, can never be the same with today's generation of yogis, so also the next generation would also give it more and more blend as time passes by.
Though there have been some conflicting historical facts about the origin of yoga, some historians would say yoga started from Africa, a historical fact that's somehow difficult for an Indian-oriented yogi to accept. Though the popular history says lord Shiva brought yoga but with time it became somehow vague then sage Patanjali came to and systemized it as what is know as raja yoga, which has also undergone so many dynamic modifications to suit people of challenges and cultural background.
Weather from India or Africa, this science has really helped millions of people around the globe to take charge of their lives, yoga has taught us lessons about aging as a mindset, yoga has practically taught a lesson as an eye opener that I can reduce my age by constant practice comprehensive yoga and a good diet.
Stress is one root cause of rapid aging and manifestation old age symptoms,  Yoga has proven to reduce and also eliminate stress, which enhances and promotes the nervous system assisting it to stay strong.  Yoga, when practiced and enjoyed on a regular basis, has the capacity bring us to that realization that the pressures of life are the just illusion, yoga creatives resistance to panic attack, yoga helps us to conquer fear, and control blood pressure. With constant high blood pressure ones, life is at a greater risk, constant high blood pressure contributes to fast aging which makes life unenjoyable, one with constant mental fears and worries dies 1000 times before real physical death.
Yoga if done properly and comprehensively, with breath control, concentration, meditation, and physical postures have a way of creative positive thinking as a mental culture which makes one enjoy aging, we must grow old for sure, but we have to enjoy our old age.

Obesity and aging
Fat percentage is one key factor of aging too, one grow fat he or she looks old, not just the look but also the heart, lungs and healthy generally are also negatively impacted on. That's the whole world is going fit and green to maintain a healthy fat percentage. Yoga takes care of fat and weightweight loss with yoga , yoga has some components in breathing and postures that regulates weight and fat by working on the glands.
The problem of most persons is nothing but hormonal imbalance caused by bad emotions, wrong diet and lack of systematic physical exercises. Yoga works on the chakras to activate the endocrine glands to release sufficient age regulating hormones like melatonin. The major issues with aging have link with the restlessness of the mind, which disturbs deep night sleep due to the reduction in GABA.According to  Dr. Janet Zand of
Yoga is one best from therapy to produce enough sleep-inducing hormones, so don't allow yourself age so fast with pains and wrinkles on your face due to lack night hormones.
 By Claudia Kelley, Ph.D., RD, CDE, O

  "Melatonin is known for helping some people achieve a better night's sleep, which is how it earned its nickname as "the sleep hormone."
Preclinical studies found that melatonin increased the life span of animals by up to 20%—prolonging their youthful character in the process."

The above reference tells us how such hormone regulates sleep and aging, and constant yoga practice enhances such age regulating hormone and much more. You're never too old to practice yoga, all you need is to look for good yoga teacher somewhere around you and see what aspect of yoga suits your pace and challenges of the moment.
Yoga corrects bad emotions if practice yoga will for sure age gracefully.



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