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Showing posts from March, 2017

Healthy Aging with yoga

                            Healthy Aging with yoga For sure everyone will definitely grow old and finally drop this physical… but the thing is should we age so fast and look sick? We can actually age gracefully, old age is a blessing but it doesn't have been artificial, some are having so many symptoms of old age at thirties and forties, when I meet some  persons they tell me


   BREATHING EXERCISE {PRANAYAMA} Today let's discuss one important aspect of yoga that makes yoga so unique, I mean an aspect of man that makes him a living being: that aspect of life that's vital to living, that which God blew into a man after creating man from dust and man came to be a living soul. Our life is nothing but a breath. In yoga science, it's called prana, which refers to life force, though prana is not the air, but it's the active force expressed as air, that life force is also in water, in food, maybe we should refer to oxygen as the active force known by yogis as prana. Exercising or regulation of this active force is what is known as pranayama or breathing exercise, I'm going to introduce few breathing exercises for health enhancement. But before  I go into that, let's look at the benefits of breathing exercise and the importance of breath to emotions, health, and life in general. Importance of prana or breath Everything in our body

See how Yoga benefits your Circulatory System

See how Yoga benefits your Circulatory System   The circulatory system as an important aspect of human anatomy is essential to life and health in general. the circulatory system can also be referred to as the cardio-vascular system. The circulatory system consists blood vessels and the heart.  The primary duty of the hearts is to pump oxygen-rich blood to different aspects of the body, to supply vital nutrients through the transport system {blood vessels}  to all the various organs and cells of the body.  The heart segments are in four different parts, and each segment has their important role to play for a smooth running system. The upper right part of the heart is responsible for collecting the incoming impure blood and, move them to the lower part of the heart, Then the lower right segment transfers the blood on to the lungs for proper purification.  Here the purified blood is then returned to the heart – at this point in the upper left ventricle from where it is moved into t

Heart Chakra and your health

                      Heart Chakra and your health Chakra as the wheel of energy is still our point of discussion; here we're looking at the Heart chakra and the associated organs, glands, symptoms and things that impact positively or negatively on the heart chakra. If you have gone through my other articles on chakra I've already explained the meaning of the word chakra, THROAT CHAKRA, AND YOUR HEALTH.docx ,  but Anandamurti describes the chakras as " different seats of mind for controlling fundamental factors",   the seven major chakras are vital energy centers situated within the spinal cord, from the base of the spine as the root chakra. And the chakras carries their respective propensities. Heart chakra Why the name heart chakra?  Because it's a chakra within the heart region, it's the fourth chakra. From Sanskrit word it's known as Anahata chakra, this controls the heart, lungs and the thymus gland. The heart chakra radiates mental propens

Specific yoga poses for targeted chanllenges

Specific Yoga postures for some targeted health issues Yes, Yoga involves breathing exercises, flexibility poses and mediation, but then there are some specific poses for targeted health issues, as we advance by age some health issues manifest around us, alongside some symptoms due to change in hormones, flexibility and strength also changes. Medically, experts advice we engage in physical activities to balance our health so we age gracefully. This is where yoga comes in, to help us energize and balance our glands by the activation of chakras and pranic energy. Yoga for physical and mental Health The mind controls the body and the body also controls the mind, Yes yoga is beyond just postures, seriously, Yoga is very scientific, to a point that it almost work more like a medicine to the physical and mental body, the idea behind yoga is to constantly active and balance pranic force and chakras and the end result on the mental and physical level is to have that harmony withi


                                                          ROOT CHAKRA Let's begin this unique topic by looking at the true meaning of these two words, " Root and Chakra".              The word  "Root " refers to a foundation, underground,   or the base and support part of a thing according to the etymology of the word root. {Etymology is a study of the origin of words which came from the Greek word [etumologia]. } Now the word chakra: Here let's look at the meaning first, chakra means vortex,  energy center, or channel through which the kundalini shakti passes through seeking union at the crown chakras. Literally, the word chakra means wheels. So our focus here is the root chakra, meaning the foundational support of all the seven major chakras, we all have seven major chakras running through the spine and twenty-one minor ones too. Each of the chakras has their negative or positive effect on the entire body. the chakra is generally perceived as f
             MY SUN SALUTATION SEQUENCE ONE I'm here to present the sun salutation or Hatha yoga as a practice of physical and mental balance, the synchronization of body movements and respiration. Some yoga historians say Hatha yoga use to be a complete yoga on its own before it was in cooperated into Hatha Yoga series. Often times in my yoga classes some would want to ask,  "Why the name sun salutation, I hope we are not praying to any Hindu God" ?.                    Anyway like I said earlier, here is sun salutation as a series of joints synergy and proper spine alignment. Sun salutation poses works on the spine from base to top, opening up all the chakras to energize your endocrine glands, adjust postural imbalance. Flexibility of your spine will help avoid injuries, realign the connective tissues; and as the glands releases adequate hormones into the system, the body gets many things as much as vital fluids to lubricate the joints, and at the same time,  your li
POWER OF CONCENTRATION Today I want to start sharing my little experiences of the unique yoga method of concentration power. Mean I want to show a simple effortless method to calm your mind down and develop self-confidence. Are you a public speaker? I want to show something very simple that can help face the crowd with confidence courage. Do you also have high blood pressure? I humbly welcome to a simple method that for sure will help you control your blood pressure and stop the abuse of blood pressure and sleeping pills if your problem is to sleep, then try this unique and simple effortless yoga practice to help you get sound sleep. I want to show you a method that enhances memory and eliminate speech defects. With this simple practice, you are sure to eliminate wriggles and support proper blood flow to the cells of the retinas which will for sure improve eyesight. Trust me, all you need to do is to calm down read through, create time to spend more time on each session, you will be a

Benefits of Yoga 2

Benefits of Yoga First, I feel it will sound very unfair to start this topic without little or more explanation and meaning of Yoga. Yoga means the unification of body mind and soul, but without going too deep into that,  I   will simply focus my discussion on the benefits of yoga as a science in two separate segments. One is the physical benefits of yoga and two is the mental benefits of yoga. Like I said earlier,  yoga means the unification of body, mind, and soul. A new aspirant in yoga would want to ask how?  Yes…  we create total harmony through yoga.  We have different types of yoga, but here today we are looking at Hatha yoga or the physical aspects of yoga which has to do with flexibility postures and breathing exercises. So looking at the two physical tools of hatha yoga we can picture the  "BREATH AND  JOINTS"   SO let's keep our attention on those two.  Hatha yoga has several poses which require synchronization of breath control and pinpointed att

Double stem cell

DOUBLE STEM CELL-THE NEW CELL THERAPY Yoga can help you reactivate dead cells if you watch your diet and also support yourself with trusted food supplements, if you or anybody you know is battling with Parkinson's, Alzheimer, leukemia, diabetes, heart attack, ulcers, Asthma, sexual weakness or unknown illnesses and memory loss…please go for this product. A  new technology, new live cell therapy technology from Switzerland available not to manage these problems but to cure them completely. It is called double stem cell which builds new cells destroyed by these illnesses and phases out the old ones. Call  234-8033429788. 2348105163710 For more information about stem cell check out those links below… https://www.cellsignal.comhttps: //
THROAT CHAKRA AND YOUR HEALTH PART ONE Today I would want us to take a look at the throat chakra. First what exactly is the meaning of the word chakra? What and what are the functions of chakras in our lives? Where and where can chakras be located? What and what show or tell us how good or how bad our chakras are? Though chakras have a lot of unanswerable questions,  master yogis have done wonderfully well in explaining the meanings and their locations in the human body. Chakras are not direct medical science but they obviously activate the medical aspects of our human existence. The chakras can also be explained in medical terms as glands. We have seven major chakras and twenty-one minor chakras but the seven major chakras are popularly discussed than the minor ones. Chakra means wheels of energy in English, chakras are also known as the vortex, chakras are our energy centers where the kundalini shakti passes through. Here our focus is the throat chakra, the chakra in charge of spe


Building stronger arms with Hatha Yoga Basing our judgment by sight, one will infer that most Yoga postures centers around feat of flexibility against being physical postures that enhance strength. Such misconception happens with new Yogis, and basically those approaching Hatha Yoga with weight loss and gym perception Yoga for arms Article Body: I often come across clients who tells me yoga cannot give them strength, If I approach them for yoga, they say, no, no I want to do something, I want to build my arms, sometimes I laugh inwardly about that,  so funny same set of persons tells you they can't do some poses, though finally few sincere persons has discovered how some yoga postures can help strengthens the arms. It's a misconception to feel Yoga is inadequate for building arm strength, open your mind and try some postures here. Anyway, I'm not saying yoga can make your biceps large like a big body builder but for sure if you make such postures regular you must no

Cobra posture is one best posture

Cobra posture is one best posture to take as a complimentary pose after the seated forward bend. Let's look at the benefits of this beautiful yoga posture. Benefits of Cobra Posture: It increase flexibility around the lower back and waistline if done correctly and also activates the organs of the abdomen The cobra posture Strengthens the arm, shoulders and abdominal muscles for good It also strengthens  the heart muscles and the chest cavity It  brings regularities to menstrual circle The cobra for me is a mood enhancer and stress manager Our world is full of stress. Start the cobra posture by lying down flat on the floor facing down. Place your palms under your shoulders with, legs together and hug your elbows against your rib cage. Remember all poses are to be done according to one's pace; Anyway, the first face of the cobra posture is the baby cobra, for beginners mostly but then it's important to start your cobra postures in faces, so follow me l


BRIDGE POSE The bridge posture is one important aspect of back bend that can serve as a complimentary pose to some poses like moving from the shoulder stand and plow. You can practice the bridge in different ways, the bridge has different variations, it's energy generating pose that also has a calming feeling at the same time, it works more on the thoracic spine, upper bac muscles, hip flexors. Though all yoga poses keep one that ability to eliminate anxiety and stress, the bridge is not exceptional. The bridge helps to open up the chest and shoulders as a better reward to the shoulder stand and strength to subsequent pose in your sequence like the Bow pose. The bridge comes next to the fish pose. NOTE: AVOID SUCH POSTURE IF YOU HAVE NECK, SHOULDER AND LOWER BACK ISSUES. Start by lying flat on your yoga mat or a blanket with your back, stretch your legs straight out on the floor. Place your hands on by your sides. Now bend your knees, breath deeply and lift up your butts and y

Yoga for Abdominal Weight Loss.

Yoga for Abdominal Weight Loss. In the world of fitness and health today Abdominal weight loss for sure remains the aim and major point of discussion among so many  people; as a fitness instructor I can tell me own little statistic is that 80 out 100 ask me so many questions about how they can flatten their abdomen in a short period of time, they ask for some other method of achieving that, I noticed each time I reply by saying yoga can help you do that,  but you have to be steady and watch your eating culture, haha the reaction from  almost all is the same,  excerpts for few persons that are already aware of it.   Knowledge has no end, and every day we learn new stuff, that's if we put up open-mindedness attitudes towards life, though most people might not be aware of this scientific fact about yoga's positive effects on the abdomen, you really need to understand the effectiveness of some yoga postures on your belly fats and muscles, not just that and much, much deeper is

Cure through Yoga

Cure through Yoga Yoga generally today is becoming more popular today, yoga is one of the world's oldest forms of physical mental exercise, and yoga is facing so much innovation due to the need for the emotional, mental and physical health of the today stressful modern world.  You wouldn't think that a more 7000-year-old exercise could increase its popularity today. Yeah, yoga is now being recommended as prescription even by most ardent medical practitioners for a series of health issues, some as a stress reliever and a complement other fitness programs. When you speak with anyone that is into yoga practice they will quickly promote the endless list of benefits that yoga brings, I mean practical benefits, millions of persons have beginning to believe strongly that yoga is the key to good health and happiness and peace in today's world _ a common aim for most people. Sports people, Housewives, businessmen, teenagers and the aged are all practicing different styles o

Benefits of Yoga Benefits of Yoga First, I feel it will sound very unfair to start this topic without little or more explanation and meaning of Yoga. Yoga means the unification of body mind and soul, but without going too deep into that,  I   will simply focus my discussion on the benefits of yoga as a science in two separate segments. One is the physical benefits of yoga and two is the mental benefits of yoga. Like I said earlier,  yoga means the unification of body, mind, and soul. A new aspirant in yoga would want to ask how?  Yes…  we create total harmony through yoga.  We have different types of yoga, but here today we are looking at Hatha yoga or the physical aspects of yoga which has to do with flexibility postures and breathing exercises. So looking at the two physical tools of hatha yoga we can picture the  "BREATH AND  JOINTS"   SO let's keep our attention on those two.  Hatha yoga has several poses which require synchronization of breath cont                                                               POWER OF CONCENTRATION Today I want to start sharing my little experiences of the unique yoga method of concentration power. Mean I want to show a simple effortless method to calm your mind down and develop self-confidence. Are you a public speaker? I want to show something very simple that can help face the crowd with confidence courage. Do you also have high blood pressure? I humbly welcome to a simple method that for sure will help you control your blood pressure and stop the abuse of blood pressure and sleeping pills if your problem is to sleep, then try this unique and simple effortless yoga practice to get sleep. I want to show a method that enhances memory and eliminate speech defects. With this simple practice, you are sure to eliminate wriggles and support proper blood flow to the cells of the retinas which will for sure improve eyesight. Trust me, all you need to do is to calm