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See how Yoga benefits your Circulatory System

See how Yoga benefits your Circulatory System

  The circulatory system as an important aspect of human anatomy is essential to life and health in general. the circulatory system can also be referred to as the cardio-vascular system. The circulatory system consists blood vessels and the heart.  The primary duty of the hearts is to pump oxygen-rich blood to different aspects of the body, to supply vital nutrients through the transport system {blood vessels}  to all the various organs and cells of the body.  The heart segments are in four different parts, and each segment has their important role to play for a smooth running system.
The upper right part of the heart is responsible for collecting the incoming impure blood and, move them to the lower part of the heart, Then the lower right segment transfers the blood on to the lungs for proper purification.  Here the purified blood is then returned to the heart – at this point in the upper left ventricle from where it is moved into the lower left segment and then back  as purified fresh blood to the entire of the body system.

   primarily the blood flows through main arteries that are thick tube-like structures moving from the heart to the entire body.   Arteries medically branch into many sub-arteries and then, in turn, the arteries divide into thin-walled capillaries. Capillaries have thin walls that pass oxygen and nutrients to the organs and tissue, then back to the capillaries as they interact with the organs that mostly need them directly.  The used energies are ejected from the tissue and back into the capillaries to be energized through specialized veins to return back as blood to the heart to start the entire process once more.  This is a difficult job as the pressure has decreased this far from the heart so the veins are assisted by valves to regulate the flow.

  Medically speaking we must try to understand the principle of circulation and how it works,  the circulatory system is set up in two main parts, the blood system, and the lymphatic system.  The lymphatic system has the job of eliminating waste from the circulatory system. So there is a synergy between the two systems as the blood system pumps as its main duty.
The heart - the lymphatic system must work together to achieve harmony.  In all ramifications, all these processes of circulation require the cooperation of the smooth muscles to run smoothly, and yoga is that a scientific exercise that deeply works on the smooth muscles to promote circulation.

  Yoga is a special discipline, very scientific in its free flow movements to build harmony between body, mind, and spirit.  Yoga has different components of body works, inner components and outer components,  the  body or physical  component takes care of the physical body with systematic postures in hatha yoga in proper coordination with breath control, and hatha yoga poses or postures help tremendously in clearing up the circulatory system.
     Pain around the joints is a sign of blockage somewhere, which has to do with poor circulation. So yoga postures open up your energy centers and channels to promote free flow.. at the same time the poses also helps to tone the muscles, tissues and elongate your ligaments, which also helps to bring free and balanced spacing around the joints. With this view, it also strengthens the muscles, especially smaller muscles groups that largely supports the bigger muscles. So with constant stretching the muscles of the circulatory systems efficiently work better to assist the lymphatic system to eliminate waste. Research has shown that constant yoga practice enhances the immune response and assist in dealing with disease and infection.

Yoga as physical and mental practice generates energies from inside, the breathing exercise in yoga energizes the lungs to eliminate toxins, all fluid in our system is controlled by air, so with proper constant breathing exercise one can promote free flow.  So yoga in all ramifications promotes proper circulations.
  Because yoga breathing exercises are very deep and longer, that it transfers and assists the intake of sufficient oxygen to the lungs which help to energize almost over 72 million cells of the lungs. Experts say the lungs has about 72 million cells which don't get enough oxygen under normal breathing,  so with deep breathing  Combined with systematic poses, one sends messages to regulate  the circulatory system,  transporting blood  flow to the muscles also.  One must not starve the system of important nutrients and oxygen,  because  If the muscles, along with our other organs and tissues are not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients then physical and mental illness sets in.


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