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Specific yoga poses for targeted chanllenges

Specific Yoga postures for some targeted health issues
Yes, Yoga involves breathing exercises, flexibility poses and mediation, but then there are some specific poses for targeted health issues, as we advance by age some health issues manifest around us, alongside some symptoms due to change in hormones, flexibility and strength also changes. Medically, experts advice we engage in physical activities to balance our health so we age gracefully. This is where yoga comes in, to help us energize and balance our glands by the activation of chakras and pranic energy. Yoga for physical and mental Health The mind controls the body and the body also controls the mind, Yes yoga is beyond just postures, seriously, Yoga is very scientific, to a point that it almost work more like a medicine to the physical and mental body, the idea behind yoga is to constantly active and balance pranic force and chakras and the end result on the mental and physical level is to have that harmony within. Yoga also addresses proper dieting, eating organic foods that accelerate calmness is much better than the consummation of food that agitates the mind. Like the father of modern medicine Hippocrates says…" let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" yoga is natural science that creates the room for the body to capably heal itself because the body actually have that natural ability to heal thyself. So yoga is much much, more than physical postures. Without wasting so much of your time I would like to introduce few yoga postures for targeted health issues, but the progress lies in your constant good dieting. . Laryngitis: Sun Salutations, the sun salutation is almost a complete yoga program, click here to see MY SUN SALUTATION SEQUENCE.rtf, the Shoulder stand, the should is one powerful posture to take care Laryngitis, BENEFITS OF SHOULDER STAND.docx and its counter pose. The Wheel pose. Lethargy: Sun Salutations. I suggest you just take yoga as a lifestyle, sun solutions are too powerful self-healing, Even if one claims no chance and time to do yoga, the sun salutation could be a very simple and easy to stick to, MY SUN SALUTATION SEQUENCE.rtf… Shoulder stand and its counter pose, the Wheel Pose and the Balancing PosesBenefits of yoga balance pose.docx. . Menopause Disorders: one should be looking at the following yoga postures,…Bow, Bow posture or Dhanurasana.docx…. Fish, Shoulder stand, BENEFITS OF SHOULDER STAND.docxHead to knee and the plow. For Menstrual disorders go for the follow postures: corpse pose, fish pose, Bow, Shoulder stand, Plough and Head to Knee Poses, Shoulder stand and its counter-poses, Bow pose. . Ovarian issues Bow pose, Inverted Poses, BENEFITS OF HEADSTAND.docx Wheel Pose, Abdominal engagements, and the Head to Knee pose. Premature ejaculations: Shoulder stand, Plough pose, bow posture, Head to Knee Poses, and Peacock Pose, and the locks. Public Disorders; in fact, the sun salutation gives one holistic benefits, so try the Sun Salutations, Inverted poses, seated Head to Knee Poses Rheumatism: The Sun Salutations generates healing heat and balance the body, the Bow and Triangle Postures. Like I said earlier if you are to make progress in yoga practice then you must watch your food intake, especially when one have health challenges, Rheumatism says you have to avoid the following stuff….Wheat, Dairy products, processed food and Animal products. You should also avoid frizz drinks and cold bath. Sexual disorders: This has to do with things like loss of sex drive and sex energy, don't forget drive is different from energy, so go for the following postures, like…. Inverted PosesBENEFITS OF HEADSTAND.docx, balance postures, bow posture, seated and standing Head to knee postures. The stiffness of the spinal cord: Sun Salutations, cobra, Twisted Crow Poses, bow. Stomach sagging: Wheel, headstand, Head to Knee Poses, Bow Pose, Balancing Exercises. Thighs and hamstrings: Sun Salutations, Inverted poses, Diamond Pose, Bow and Wheel Pose, Head to knee Poses and the Triangle Poses. Thyroid related issues: Shoulder-Stand and Plough poses, always remember that your diet is the key to good, so also Include Celery and Green Leafy veggies in your diet and juices Uterine disorders: Inverted Poses and the bow pose Varicose Veins: Inverted poses, Head to knee Poses and the Backward bending Exercises Waistline and lower back issues Sun Salutations is one best sequence to follow, and also the Inverted Poses, Spinal Twists, Triangle Poses and Balancing exercises. Wrinkles: wrinkles signify old age symptoms, so the inverted Poses will help in circulating adequate age regulating hormones, head to knee poses, Sun Salutations and the balancing exercises also are postures to take. Okay but do remember to seek professional medical advice before taking to any exercise program, try and practice at your own pace, eat right, sleep well and rest well.


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