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I'm here to present the sun salutation or Hatha yoga as a practice of physical and mental balance, the synchronization of body movements and respiration. Some yoga historians say Hatha yoga use to be a complete yoga on its own before it was in cooperated into Hatha Yoga series.
Often times in my yoga classes some would want to ask,  "Why the name sun salutation, I hope we are not praying to any Hindu God" ?.
         Anyway like I said earlier, here is sun salutation as a series of joints synergy and proper spine alignment. Sun salutation poses works on the spine from base to top, opening up all the chakras to energize your endocrine glands, adjust postural imbalance. Flexibility of your spine will help avoid injuries, realign the connective tissues; and as the glands releases adequate hormones into the system, the body gets many things as much as vital fluids to lubricate the joints, and at the same time,  your ligaments respond to movements because they are not static by nature,the ligaments has the nature of elasticity as the bends helps to elongate back into proper shapes, remember countless number of time you use to do a lot of bodies twisting and bends as a child,  what you don't use you will lose, over time as you grow neglect your joints, your muscle group, the effect of your breathing pattern on your muscles and joints. There are so many factors, though, but one major one is the lack of usage and realignment, I encourage you to look at the sun salutation with this view in mind, the poses are working towards the elongation of the ligaments giving your joints enough space to avoid bone frictions that could lead to inflammations. For me sun salutation also borders on inner skills of patience and endurance, patience is a skill in Nigeria many don't have it, everyone here is in a hurry causing steady panic attacks, so many anxieties everywhere, hahaha…let's think about these two questions.
What are the health benefits of anxieties?
 What are the health benefits of active calmness?
Yes, I know the second question sounds somehow, but then think about so deep; you can actually be active and calm. In fact mental tensions weakens the  brain cells and makes one so depressed and over hyperactive, which causes so many health degenerative symptoms, such as sleeplessness, high blood pressure, aches and joint pains of all kinds, hey I'm not trying to scare you, this is just the basic truth, the reality around us. So optionally in today's world people are beginning to take body mechanics so seriously, you must move your joints to always realign because,  for sure we go off balance daily, either by bad lying posture, or  sitting posture, especially in our today computer unavoidable generation, I mean; many of us got high taking jobs and we must sit in front of the computer for long, like the Bankers and other special duties that involves tensions and chronic panic everyday, in life today there are so many deadlines, everything is moving so fast paced, you must take deep breath, take break, create time to work on your joints and spine, it's your life, if you die go work will still go on, so live today, don't plan everyday how you are going to start tomorrow, the tomorrow is here right now, there will always be pressing excuses tomorrow,   in between moments our emotions also switches off and on, happiness, sadness, joy, confusion, and the worst of it all;  is that it sounds much more these days like anger is now becoming a mental culture, seriously everyone in Nigeria has some kind of pain they are nursing, so much transfer of aggression on the street. I think in my humble opinion that the Nigerian society needs yoga the more, than any other society in the world, especially the sun salutation, because it's a series of coordinated poses with synchronized forms, with the repetitions you can easily flow into action on your own, getting everyone in Nigeria do 50 rounds of sun salutation in 40 days will be a very good step towards mental balance in Nigeria, don't be bias about it, due to your religious believe, the sun salutation in hatha yoga series doesn't address any prayer to any God and it's also not against it, it's optional, for me in my Nigerian view, we are focusing on our joints and spine.
Sun salutation, as the name goes is actually not like you're to salute the Sunlight and sun god. Though its origin has some aspects of that, but sun salutation in Hatha yoga must not go with mantras, you need to focus on the postures and breathing, let's work on the joints and spine alignment.

Benefits: The sun salutation can also be a warm-up sequence which has holistic benefits to the joints preparation, nerves, brain cells, hips, back, side neck, and most importantly on the spine. Sun Salutations tones the muscles and brings luster to the skin if done regularly. On a normal practice one can start with 5 rounds, and gradually increase to 7-9-12 and maintain twelve rounds as morning and evening as a major grogram, especially if you are type that doesn't have enough time as an excuse, then have a fixed time where you do only the sun salutation and end on corps pose…it's much powerful if that's the only Hatha Yoga poses time permeates you to do.

Traditionally sun salutation begins with folded palms in prayer pose, but here we have modified that into palms and hands by your sides. Legs together…
From this posture your hands in prayer pose or by your sides, just breath in deeply and gently, as you lift your hands up high as you breathe in deeply….



As your hands are high, just take small gentle back extension….as you exhale gently move into step 3…


  Bend forward down, as for keep exhaling, with your palms beside your feet on the floor, that's if you are that flexible, but if can't just stop at your pace…


From position number 3 take a lounge by stretching your left leg back straight on the floor, right keen bent, right foot flat on the floor, now you can place your palms on your right for support, but if you're that flexible the place your palms on the floor…now inhale deeply and stretch back…for modification sake you place your palms on your keen or your waist...but if you are flexible enough then place your palms on the floor for support,


and gently move your right leg back…into 5.
Here you're on the plank, with your shoulders and hips at the equal level, your breath free…then breath in deeply….and gently move into 6.

Here drop your knees on the floor, your chest on the floor, your stomach, and buttocks off the floor, forehead on the floor

…then exhale gently and drop the entire body flat on the floor…from here into 7…
Here inhale and use your hands to push your upper body up into cobra posture
7…hold for few seconds, and then drop as you exhale.

Move into 8...
Here inhale and move into down dog push,8
your heels flat on the floor if you can hold on this posture for few seconds then exhale…and move into 9…
Just move your left leg to the front with your left knee bent, right leg stretched out back

…like we did in 4…but now in a reverse way, here inhale, hold,and gently exhale….so after here we move to 10…

Let's repeat 3 which is standing forward bend, as you exhale…then from here we move into 11...
So here we repeat number 2…

by lifting your arms up
as you inhale and take back extension…then move the last move…
Here we repeat the second move as our relaxing posture

which completes it one full round. palms in prayer pose or by your side.
Note" sun salutation is better done by repeating the sequence like 8-12 rounds in a session.

The sun salutation has twelve poses...there are other sun salutation series too...


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