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Today I would want us to take a look at the throat chakra. First what exactly is the meaning of the word chakra? What and what are the functions of chakras in our lives? Where and where can chakras be located? What and what show or tell us how good or how bad our chakras are?
Though chakras have a lot of unanswerable questions,  master yogis have done wonderfully well in explaining the meanings and their locations in the human body. Chakras are not direct medical science but they obviously activate the medical aspects of our human existence. The chakras can also be explained in medical terms as glands.
We have seven major chakras and twenty-one minor chakras but the seven major chakras are popularly discussed than the minor ones. Chakra means wheels of energy in English, chakras are also known as the vortex, chakras are our energy centers where the kundalini shakti passes through. Here our focus is the throat chakra, the chakra in charge of speech and self-expression.
The throat chakra is centrally at the base of the neck,  located between the third and the fifth vertebrae of the neck and exposed towards the throat, it has color blue it's connected to the thyroid, and parathyroid gland. It's the chakra of communication and creativity. The throat chakra determines one's listening and hearing skills. When people talk endlessly without giving others chance to speak we are looking at the throat chakra.
When the mode goes beyond moderate rate, making the throat chakras overactive, then one becomes more critical and judgmental over life and things, over-activation of the throat chakra makes people talk loud and endless, burning more and more vital force. Over activation of the throat chakra makes one a talker other than a listener,  it causes disharmony within oneself. the throat chakra has a connection with the thyroid gland, so the malfunction of such vital chakra can lead to thyroid issues, which may manifest in the form of dental, jaw problems or even throat problem.  The throat chakra is vital to point of weight gain and weight loss because the thyroid gland controls metabolism.  Sometimes weak or blocked throat chakra causes stiffness around the shoulders, neck, arms and sometimes cause of arthritis etc. Healthy throat chakra enhances communication and singing skills. When the throat chakra is underactive it causes lack of confidence.


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