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                                                          ROOT CHAKRA

Let's begin this unique topic by looking at the true meaning of these two words, " Root and Chakra".  
           The word  "Root " refers to a foundation, underground,   or the base and support part of a thing according to the etymology of the word root. {Etymology is a study of the origin of words which came from the Greek word [etumologia]. }
Now the word chakra: Here let's look at the meaning first, chakra means vortex,  energy center, or channel through which the kundalini shakti passes through seeking union at the crown chakras. Literally, the word chakra means wheels.
So our focus here is the root chakra, meaning the foundational support of all the seven major chakras, we all have seven major chakras running through the spine and twenty-one minor ones too. Each of the chakras has their negative or positive effect on the entire body. the chakra is generally perceived as fiery red and has associated body parts such as the spinal column, bones, nails, teeth, colon, rectum, prostate gland, anus blood and building of cells.
  Master Yogis through divine vision perceived the energies centers and communicated to humanity, they discovered that human propensities are propelled mainly by the state of the chakras, and in reality, the chakras determine a man's mental and physical health.The root chakra is the beginning spot of the kundalini power.
The kundalini power is our creative and regenerative active force seated at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals. The mooladhar chakra which is our root chakra has a link and activating connection with the Gonad glands for production and circulation of sex hormones which determines how weak or strong or even controlled ones sex energy is. The root chakra linked with the same gland is the regulator or water and phosphorous level.
According to DEVENDRA VORA, In his book   "health in your hands' volume 1"  I quote Devendra Vora as follows…
"Psychological problems: many problems considered to be psychological are a result of improper functioning of the endocrine glands. So, with proper treatment on the glands, such problems can be easily solved"
And every living force has an energizing source, the root chakra is the energizing force behind the following….Ovaries, testes, and sex glands, according to Devendra Vora.
Then in the same Book Health in your hands, page 100 and 101, he listed out some few malfunctioning effects of these glands, especially as a result of imbalance or blockage.
I quote;
       "These glands maintain the unbroken chain of procreation. They also regulate water element and also nerves, cell, flesh, bones, bone marrow, and semen. They also regulate digestion of phosphorous in the body and thus regulate the heat of the body "If the root chakra determines the regulation water, phosphorous, heat and etc, then why delay to take care of  root chakra with different methods.

Our health is really in our hands, I mean you are the key factor in decision making here, only you by your very self can decide to heal thyself, or program the energy centers to take care your mental and physical well-being.
Among the seven major chakras, the root is at the base of the spine, to live a balanced life we all need that grip, we need to be in charge, don't lose the foundation of your building.
A story from Devendra Vora, shows a case how a doctor couple without issue for 14 years, took to an acupressure method of working on the root chakra, and finally became proud parents of a sweet baby girl: though there are countless of such success stories, but let's look at what happens to the body when we lose grip of our root chakra.
In his book, Health in your hands, the author said something at gave a cause for reflection: he said after delivery and operation for sterilization if these glands functionless, fat starts growing in the body- now my reflection and thought is… could this be the reason women grow fat rapidly after cesarean birth? My thought anyway.
Apart from the root chakra, all chakras should be properly aligned with some yoga practices like meditation and breathing exercises.
The malfunctioning of the root chakra is clearer during the growing stage of 12-14 years, the boys at this stage might turn into self-abuse practices like masturbation, the girls starts having problems with menstruation, pimples manifestation, etc, in fact  psychologically speaking, losing a grip of this chakra from this crucial stage of life has been linked as one major causes of unhappiness in early married life.
So my view our society should look into the inculcation of yoga practice into our school curriculum as a compulsory subject.
Yoga is a science and not a religion, yoga doesn't belong to a particular race, yoga is for the entire human race.
Energize your root chakra for good physical and mental health.


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