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Heart Chakra and your health

                      Heart Chakra and your health

Chakra as the wheel of energy is still our point of discussion; here we're looking at the Heart chakra and the associated organs, glands, symptoms and things that impact positively or negatively on the heart chakra.
If you have gone through my other articles on chakra I've already explained the meaning of the word chakra, THROAT CHAKRA, AND YOUR HEALTH.docx ,  but Anandamurti describes the chakras as " different seats of mind for controlling fundamental factors",   the seven major chakras are vital energy centers situated within the spinal cord, from the base of the spine as the root chakra. And the chakras carries their respective propensities.
Heart chakra
Why the name heart chakra?  Because it's a chakra within the heart region, it's the fourth chakra. From Sanskrit word it's known as Anahata chakra, this controls the heart, lungs and the thymus gland.
The heart chakra radiates mental propensities like grief, worry, hope, love, anger, compassion, drive, and happiness; it also regulates the nervous system and the heart function. The heart as a peer to the thymus gland regulates the immune system.
Blockage or imbalance of this chakra will impact negatively on the heart, upper back, arms, and lungs, those with constant grudges and anger are just damaging this chakra, which could also lead to lack of energy and inability of the body to absorb nutrients, because one will end up wasting vital energies, all the minerals' and vitamins will be diminishing. The human body perceives anger and worries as stress. The best means of helping this chakra function well is to let go, develop the spirit of forgiveness, and learn detachment and selflessness.
The heart chakra radiates love, compassion, and forgiveness, the spirit of forgiveness comes from here, no wonder human race abducted artistry expression of the symbol of love to be the heart. We heart things like good heart, sweetheart, soft heart, heart to heart, the heart chakra is a bridge between the physical and the inner consciousness, religiously it's a common believe that the heart is the temple of God, so we must keep it clean. How can you keep it clean when the heart chakra is malfunctioning, radiating negative propensities such as, anger, hatred, pride, unforgiveness emotions, our emotions originates from the heart chakra, so we must create calming and relaxing inner body  atmosphere through   Meditation, breathing exercises and Hatha yoga…benefits of Hatha yoga.txt poses to helps the balancing of this chakra, it's vivid greenish in colour, it's full of life, you're as healthy or young as your heart, guide your heart, because your heart comes issues of life. When this chakra opens up one come to a realization of being balanced of selflessness, one will start a strong feeling of being useful to humanity, not to use anyone and at the same time not to be used by others.the heart chakra also controls the lungs.


The heart generally is perceived as color green, and green signifies regenerating power, green is a healing color, which goes to say that the heart chakra has a healing power.  always depicts love as the heart. Like the thymus gland which protects us as children, maybe that's why children have the more pure heart than adults, my opinion anyway, but like the bible would say, "till your heart is like that of a child you will never enter the kingdom of God" what exactly does that mean? It means innocent pure heart with a forgiving spirit when this chakra blocks up one loses the purity of heart, from the bible again…"blessed are pure in heart for they shall see God"  How do you see God?  When this chakra opens up into balance, one's level of detachment starts losing up, then one starts letting go,  when we let go, we definitely experience peace of Mind, when you see peace then you've seen God.
This chakra brings about inner sense of satisfaction, everyone is looking for absolute satisfaction, how can one be satisfied without inner sense of peace, the heart chakra brings calmness to the heart, which helps in controlling the blood pressure, When one is suffering from deep rooted depression caused by over time grief, it is, this chakra that should be working on to empower the emotions.
The Heart chakra also controls the lungs, diaphragm, circulation, breath, breast, on the physiological level. So a yogi must ideate pure love, no mental worry.  Grief impact negatively on this chakra.
Grief has to do with constant mental disturbances caused by over time worry about certain event of the past, present, and future, but in most cases, it's about mental picture of disappointments and fear of losing something so dear.
Health problems associated with the heart chakra are high blood pressure, heart disease, difficulty in breathing, circulation problems, palpitation, chest pains,  the tension between the shoulders and arms.
Try and let go, practice and meditation


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