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Lotus posture looks more advanced and intermediate at the same time, and for sure the lotus isn't that easy for all beginners in yoga. In yoga terms it's called padmasana, the Padma means lotus and same means posture or in other words seat. It's also known as the posture of perfection for the yogi. The lotus pose has also been said to be very helpful during pregnancy.

The lotus begins from this point, sit on your yoga mat, and stretch your legs out in front you, now bend your right knee and pick your right foot up towards you and drop it on your left thigh. Stay here for few seconds breathing deeply, now if your knee is beyond your hip then this posture isn't yet your thing, okay…now repeat the same thing with the other leg.
Now again pick your right foot up and drop it on your left thigh.
Now also pick your left foot into yourself, place it under your right thigh, assuming the half lotus pose, as a beginner I suggest you try other hip opening poses first before try the lotus out, and even when you are set to try the full lotus, I recommend you spend some time and days practicing the half lotus and deep breathing sessions before going into full lotus.
So after been comfortable with the half lotus, then you can go into the full lotus by carrying your left foot also onto your right thigh, but be sure to keep your back straight.
On the full lotus try and focus your eyesight at the tip your nose to practice concentration for few seconds.
If you can practice daily especially early mornings and evening you stand chances of ripping the following benefits.

Takes care of menstrual pains
It helps to cushion the hips, work on the pelvis  and align the spine straight
Increase level of awareness
It also calms the brain and activate sharp memory
Yoga is looking at balance, so the lotus pose is one sure way to helps the yogi to balance energy centers that run through the spine
The lotus pose works on the lubrication of hips, knees ankles and all the working joint


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