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Benefits of Yoga 2

Benefits of Yoga
First, I feel it will sound very unfair to start this topic without little
or more explanation and meaning of Yoga. Yoga means the unification of body
mind and soul, but without going too deep into that,  I   will simply focus
my discussion on the benefits of yoga as a science in two separate
segments. One is the physical benefits of yoga and two is the mental
benefits of yoga.
Like I said earlier,  yoga means the unification of body, mind, and soul. A
new aspirant in yoga would want to ask how?  Yes…  we create total harmony
through yoga.  We have different types of yoga, but here today we are
looking at Hatha yoga or the physical aspects of yoga which has to do with
flexibility postures and breathing exercises. So looking at the two
physical tools of hatha yoga we can picture the  "BREATH AND  JOINTS"
  SO let's keep our attention on those two.  Hatha yoga has several poses
which require synchronization of breath control and pinpointed attention.
Hatha means the moon and the sun or in other words cold and heat, like the
yin and yang in Tai Chi,  so hatha yoga uses some breathing techniques and
postures to generate heat,  and also calm the body and mind down, creating
tremendous benefits to the entire body and mind. The breathing exercises
help us to be in charge of our breath, relax our nerves and promote proper
circulation. Breathing exercises sends oxygen-rich blood to your brain
which helps to activate brain cells and promote memory, breath flow is the
driver of all the transport system of the body, with certain yoga postures
like headstand we send oxygen to reach blood to the brain cells, and also
activates the pituitary gland,  studies has shown that yoga can prevent
memory loss and even take care of dementia and other memory related issues.
Oxygen is the life force, we all need it, we all need yoga, we all need
breathing exercises.
       Hatha means the moon and the sun, heat, and cold, hatha yoga means an
aspect of yoga which unifies heat and cold in the body, there are different
aspects of yoga, though the word yoga brings a mental picture of physical
postures to the mind of most persons, hatha yoga originated from the eight
limbs of Raja yoga, our focus here is hatha yoga, like I said before,
 practically speaking hatha yoga refers to physical postures or asanas,
systematically synchronized with the breath control, but it requires
concentration,  Hatha yoga without concentration might lead to some form of
injury, hatha yoga  has fluidity, awareness, grace, concentration, and
relaxation as principles. being too quick is not the idea, the poses are
not the major thing rather comfort and pleasurable light healing pain,
though we are advised to avoid the creation of pain during yoga, different
teachers with their own view, like in Pilates where you gently work through
minor pains that are warning signs of tight nerves and joints, practical
experiences made me realize that stress can tighten our joints and muscles,
so in that case through hatha yoga practice, you definitely will feel that
healing relaxing pains, one should be able to differentiate between such
pains and pain as a result of a strenuous stretch. Hatha yoga is so natural
you must do the poses according to your own pace, stay at your pace, focus
on your breath, and that pain moving out into pleasure, hatha yoga is the
medicine for the physical body, with pain-free joints one can focus
better in life, yoga brings calm disposition into play,  studies has shown
how yoga can impact on efficiency in all ramifications. Though Hatha yoga
originally is a preparation for higher and deeper aspects of yoga that
requires concentration, but everyone must not take to the spiritual yoga
due to some religious concern, but it's the topmost goal of life anyway.
But practically speaking everyone can meditate without chanting of mantra.
Breath meditation is natural, it sim
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