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Standing Head To Knee Yoga Posture and Benefits

Standing Head To Knee Yoga Posture and Benefits

Standing Head to Knee Pose or  Dandayamana Janushirasana in original yoga terminology requires balance, not just physical balance, you require mental balance too, just lock your attention within your body, focus on your breathe With the deep mental sense of concentration. Focusing brings balance into action, so focus and see balance in action

NOTE:  Before you start, first understand that everyone has their own pace and level of flexibility, and there's no automatic result here, but progress is for sure if practiced regularly. Don't force yourself beyond your present range of flexibility...
like the name of this posture says, have a picture of you standing on one leg, so Start by moving your body weight to one side, depending on which leg you would want to start with,
Now interlock your fingers, slowly reach for your left foot, as you bend down, place the interlocked fingers under your left foot.
Now slowly lift your left foot up, balancing on your right leg,
Bend forward from your waistline and lift your left knee up towards your chest, till you can completely place your left foot on the "platform" created by your interlocked fingers. Normally, you would want your fingers to be placed 3 to 4 inches below the tips of the toes, and some people finds it so easy to achieve.
Now With your fingers still below your left foot and your torso bent forward, stretch your left leg straight out and keep your standing leg straight
For sure this might be impossible for a start, but do not force it, stop at your flexibility range at the moment. – do not worry with time you will naturally make good progress.
So After holding your leg parallel to the floor for few seconds, then take a deep breath, retain the breath for few seconds and exhale,
Then now slowly drop your elbows (towards the calf) and the entire upper body. Actually, The aim is to safely get your front torso (chest, stomach) close to the leg at your own pace, and also to have your forehead as close to the leg as possible. While you do this part of the posture, your focus will be on the feeling of a stretch in your lower back.
It brings about better Degree of agility and flexibility if practiced regularly. This posture works on the digestive and reproductive system by giving the internal message, meaning with constant practice one will be able to get rid of so many stomachs and poor digestion related challenges. If you have a strong reproductive system it helps to improve your sex life, for good. Your Pancreas also will function better if practiced regularly, and that will go a long way in bringing a better balance in sugar level and helps those with diabetics manage their health better.
This yoga posture brings in flexibility that improves the sciatic nerve. This posture also takes care of  Acidity and flatulence issues. It also strengthens your hands and helps to build better balance on the floor. All your muscles get stretched to its maximum, then your hamstring muscles will also benefit from this exercise, it strengthens your abdominal muscles and your back muscles which give you a stable posture.


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