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Child's Pose
The child’s pose is simple and very important; it’s a relaxing posture with tremendous health benefits, especially to the back and the mind.
The ideal is to let go, just have that calm feeling of a child.
Another nick name to this posture is also called sitting on your heels. Place your knees on the floor, just move your hips to your heels till your buttocks are completely resting on your heels, without letting buttocks leave the heels, now just stretch downwards resting your forehead on the floor , your hands stretched out long on the floor…remain here and watch you’re your breath relax. Do this for few seconds….
This is wonderful and relaxing.
With your head down on your mat brings about wonderful calming and relaxing effect on your brain. The spot between your eyebrows is where we all have our third eye point, so placing this part with the inward folding of the body, has tremendous positive effect to your brain. The child’s pose also supports digestion, brings that calm sense of relaxation into your mental eye. The child’s pose helps spine, the back and the waistline relax. This pose is simple but wonderful.


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