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Dhyana Yoga (meditation) for mental healing

Meditation is medicinal and spiritual, enjoy my meditation technique for mental healing, our world presents countless challenges before us daily, ranging from rush ours to work, stressful traffic situations, workload in the office, countless of events of joy and sorrow, these things are endless. As these stressors pop up in our daily lives they still away from our inner joy.
This meditation technique is looking at rhythms in energy, the human body is made up energy, and energies has vibration, you can feel your own vibration through breath, our breath has something to tell us about our mood, but when energies goes off steady rhythmic pattern, life becomes shaky, and the mental controls the physical, when we lose that mental rhythmical pattern we lose our breath by being restless, restlessness means scared thoughts, meditation helps us to bring our thoughts under control. First, we shall begin with deep concentration and focus exercise. Follow my deep concentration tips as a stage before your proper meditation for mental healing

 Meditation is better established between 3am-8am or 4pm-8pm, it doesn't mean one can also not meditate any time of the day, but better during the ozone power periods

{Sit in any comfortable posture from your concentration session}
  Now with your eyes closed, your palm gently resting on your thighs, keep your back straight , your head up,now look deep into yourself, make it very simple, put your inner focus on your breath, watch your breath flow in and out, don't worry about the present pattern, just watch it come and go, the more you watch your breath the calmer you become, it is that simple, just try and let go, for sure thoughts of different kinds of stuff will be coming and going, some worrisome, some splendid, some brings joys that excite your brain cells to be restless, don't lose focus with your breath, but at the same time don't fight with your thoughts and breath, just realistically see yourself playing a role of an observer, if you follow this mindset you will your progress in transitional stages into total calmness, but do not let that progress make you lose grip of your breath, remember your focus bright that progress, meaning if you do more you will experience higher peace of mind, but again too, do not let the emotional pictures of anticipation make you lose a grip your breath, focus on your breath. Breath is life, breath is the energy that sustains life, heal thyself by paying inner attention to something very key to life, without breath, there will be no life, the energy of life is in the breath. Try and let go, your worrisome thought about things that went wrong can never turn back the hands of time, but it can break your health down, think about it and let go, forget the negative thoughts.  This is my simple humble meditation for mental healing.
   This you can start by doing for 15minutes morning and evening daily, with time as you follow this meditation practice diligently , you will definitely come to a stage where time fly's, I mean a time will come where 15minutes isn't enough for you. Though don't expect the same feeling every day, and don't get overwhelmed with progress. When you're done you can lie down on your back, your palm facing up, your legs somehow separated apart, let your body relax, feel like your body is sinking down into the floor, also watch your breath, let go. Now take a mental look around your entire body parts, beginning from your toes, move bit by bit till you get to your head, and again from the skull down to your toes.
When you're done, you can take your time to rest for a while, before getting up gently'thank you'we are done' click here for the Audio...

Reflection from Swami Sivananda, from in his book easy steps to yoga.
'1. Most of the diseases take their origin in overeating, sexual excess, and outbursts of anger
and hatred. If the mind is kept cool and calm at all times, you will have wonderful health, strength, and vitality. Energy is depleted by fits of anger. The cells and tissues are filled with morbid,
poisonous materials when one loses his temper and entertains deep hatred. Various sorts of
physical ailments crop up. The blood becomes hot and thin and consequently night pollution
results. Various kinds of nervous diseases are attributable to the excessive loss of the seminal energy
and frequent fits of explosive anger or wrath.
2. Let any disease remain in your body. Do not bother too much. Do not fret and fume.
Develop the powers of endurance and resistance. Strengthen your body, mind, and nerves. Take
plenty of open-air exercises, substantial nutritious food, medicated oil bath and plenty of rest. Have
mental and physical recreation. Lead a well-regulated life. Be moderate in food, drink, and
merriment. Lead a spiritual life. All diseases will leave your body by themselves. All microbes
will die when your vitality, vigor, and strength are at a flood tide. This is the secret of health and
happiness.'  With the above wonderful words from one of the greatest yogis of this modern times, I end this beautiful piece, meditation for mental healing, yoga centers around awareness, be aware and steady with your yoga meditation.


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