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Are you new to Yoga?

In Life going into anything new has a way of creating mental uncertainty, a strange feeling of the mind not been too sure of the unknown, though Yoga is a very practical science, it speaks for itself' but then as a new Yogi, be careful of first negative impression, do not allow few challenges to make you run into conclusions so fast, Yoga requires patience and time. The science of yoga doesn't agree to automatic progress; Yoga agrees with nature, and natural progress requires patience and consistency. You might find some poses very difficult to practice at first, but it worth's trying out gently at your own pace, it has always been mind over matter, if you defeat your yourself mentally then the physical postures appears almost impossible, so it's in the mind, see yourself doing it correctly like yourself. Think about so many health benefits of yoga, yoga brings physical, mental and spiritual stability, it would be a bad idea for anyone to give up due to first time little challenges. As a new Yogi watch out for the following major three focus.

One:  Define your aim of taking to Yoga.

  One thing is for sure in life, something must propel someone to want to take to something. So what is your motivation to want to take to yoga? Yoga as ancient science has gone through so many innovative modifications by so many master yogis, so there are so many different forms and styles of yoga, though the aim of all forms of yoga is freedom and balance. Try to pinpoint that which got you attracted to yoga, it will help you figure out a style or form of yoga that suits your specific need of the moment. Do you have a particular aim? Then discuss that with your instructor, for this will help him or she understand what suits you, and advice you better.

Two:  Avoid the Do or die approach.

  Young yogi, welcome to life changing scientific acts of nature, you have to eliminate the do or die approach, make your yoga a lifestyle than setting high target of 2 weeks, don't move too fast too soon, chose days and time and stick to it, be firm with your practice but avoid a marathon yoga. Join a yoga beginner class, be patient, pay attention and listen to instructions with rapt attention.

 Three: Capable yoga Teacher.

  It takes years of constant training to master yoga, make sure your yoga teacher is qualified to teach yoga. First, where did he or she learned yoga and how many years professionally has he or she been into yoga. A yogi should wear the look of the benefit of whatever he or she wants to teach, it's very bad to sell cough medicines while the seller lives with a cough.


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