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Cure through Yoga

Cure through Yoga

Yoga generally today is becoming more popular today, yoga is one of the world's oldest forms of physical mental exercise, and yoga is facing so much innovation due to the need for the emotional, mental and physical health of the today stressful modern world.
 You wouldn't think that a more 7000-year-old exercise could increase its popularity today. Yeah, yoga is now being recommended as prescription even by most ardent medical practitioners for a series of health issues, some as a stress reliever and a complement other fitness programs.

When you speak with anyone that is into yoga practice they will quickly promote the endless list of benefits that yoga brings, I mean practical benefits, millions of persons have beginning to believe strongly that yoga is the key to good health and happiness and peace in today's world _ a common aim for most people.

Sports people, Housewives, businessmen, teenagers and the aged are all practicing different styles of yoga, Hatha yoga, concentration,  meditation, breathing exercises, kundalini yoga, etc. Yoga have also become a way of life for so many today, yoga has different aspects for different needs and challenges, for those seeking for spiritual benefits yoga has the answer to that, for you looking for emotional balance there's an aspect of yoga for you, some persons due to religious believe, look at yoga as religious stuff, no, no, yoga is not a religion thing just that some religious sects inculcated yoga into their practices, otherwise yoga is a science on its own.
Yoga on the subtle level addresses mental and physical balance, so look at your yoga from this viewpoint, breath is life. How many times do you breathe per one minute? If breath determines life, then everything living being requires yoga to maintain life.

 Yoga deals with pranic force, or life force which goes to say we are sustained by inner energy as our breath, yoga holds a practical view that as your breath so your mood, as your mood so your health status, our mood so  alas our breathing pattern changes, our breathing pattern also changes the moment  our mood changes, adepts in  yoga holds a view  that yoga has several  techniques to counter  the cause of illness, unlike drug therapy that focuses on  symptoms.  Many professionals are now turning to yoga as a supplementary form of training which has helped a lot of them achieve a better state of mental and physical relaxation between training sessions.
Yoga therapy is one sure way to get rid of most pains around the joints, Yoga therapy takes care of constipation, yoga therapy cures a lot of mental problems like anxieties and lack of concentration. Yoga therapy works on the glands through the help of chakra activation. If you're suffering from insomnia then try yoga breathing exercises and meditation. If you're having high blood pressure yoga for sure will help you, try yoga meditation and add it up with corpse pose.
Yoga really cures.


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